Download Desktop App
Connect your Trezor
Find Trezor
Still don’t see your Trezor?
Try a different cable
The cable must be fully inserted. If you have a Model T, the cable should "click" into place.
Try a different USB port
Connect it directly to your computer (without a USB hub).
If the above tips didn’t work, you can try using Trezor Bridge instead of WebUSB
Download Trezor Bridge
and click the button below.
Disable WebUSB and use Bridge
Still not working?
Contact support
Error Code:
Opps! Trezor data corruption. Do not disconnect your device
Recover wallet from seed
12 words
18 words
20 words
24 words
33 words
If you have not set up a pin leave this blank.
If you have not set up a pin leave this blank.
If you have not set up a pin leave this blank.
If you have not set up a pin leave this blank.
If you have not set up a pin leave this blank.